Our Food

Our Food

Many of us have the luxury of easy access to the food we enjoy eating and that keeps us healthy. But there are others who, for whatever reason – illness, isolation, bereavement, disability or a myriad of things that can befall any of us in life – need a bit of help with that. Meals on Wheels has provided a friendly face at the door and a regular chat with a welcome meal, often being the highlight of the day, to millions of people in Australia over the past 70 plus years. Right from the start and equally now, Meals on Wheels meals are intended to providing a significant nutritional contribution, as well as offering some vital social contact to those who are isolated. Most people using the service eat just one of these meals a day and one meal is not intended to supply a whole day’s nutrition needs. But the sound, consistent nutritional guidelines provided by Meals on Wheels NSW are the base upon which those preparing meals are able to build their individual meal services. This means customers enjoy the greater choice and flexibility of seasonal menus, cultural preferences and variety that most of us now take for granted. Please contact the office on 6299 3000 for a copy of our 2023/4 menu.  Good food is not just nutrition; it’s part of the joy of life, it helps keep families, communities and generations together and so much more. Foods both new and familiar can entice flagging appetites, excite the senses and rekindle decades old happy memories. Meals on Wheels Volunteers bring all that to people needing a bit of extra help to remain in their own homes and communities, so they get the best chance possible to enjoy the independence, freedom and comfort they so richly deserve.

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2018 © Australian Meals on Wheels Association Inc. ABN: 41 525 636 231