Our Services

Our Services

Clients receive a nutritious and tasty meal, delivered by volunteers who have time for a friendly chat. Services work to meet clients’ individual needs, across differences in; culture, diet, religion, medical condition, language, physical ability and personal taste. Increasingly, Meals on Wheels services offer:
  • Delivery of frozen meals, in place of fresh, to allow choice of when to eat the meal.
  • Expansion of the range of food products taken into the home to include more variety of mini meals for clients with reduced mobility or appetite.
  • Frozen Meals are delivered 4 days per week. Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. (Meal delivery does not occur on Tuesdays, Public Holidays, other options are discussed with clients).
  • Clients with special needs such as requiring the volunteers to heat the meal are delivered Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday if required or according to client needs.
  • A weekly community luncheon (Known as Centre Base) where a freshly cooked meal prepared by volunteer cooks on site at the Queanbeyan Youth Axis Centre, every Wednesday. (This service is currently suspended due to COVID 19)
  • A pick-up and drop-off service to the Centre is available.
  • This is an opportunity to meet other clients and enjoy this social occasion on a regular basis.
Meals on Wheels Queanbeyan now offers new services which include:
  • Individual Social Support: To take clients shopping or shopping for them. This is particularly important in the current environment where social isolation is making it difficult for vulnerable people to get out to the shops.
  • Meals are also now available to the general public at a reasonable cost. This is a pick-up service from the MoWQ office at the rear of 138 Monaro St, Queanbeyan.
Our meal delivery services extend to rural areas including:
  • Queanbeyan
  • Bungendore
  • Braidwood
  • Majors Creek
  • Captain’s Flat
  • Sutton
  • Michelago
In order to begin receiving meals you must be:
  • 65 years or older
  • 50 years or older for Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander people
  • Registered with My Aged Care
  • Assessed by My Aged Care as being eligible to receive meals
You begin the process by registering with My Aged Care If you have any questions or concerns please don’t hesitate to call our office on 02 6299-3000 or email us on: admin@mealsonwheelsqueanbeyan.org.au

Package Provider Clients

Below outlines the benefits to family members and Package Providers. 
Benefits to Family Members:
Family members have peace of mind knowing that their loved one:
  • Receives regular meals
  • Has a trusted visitor to their home (daily/twice a week/weekly)
  • Has the opportunity to join in social lunches (Wednesday Centre Based meal)
  • Part of a system that has a process in place if their client does not answer the door or telephone
Benefits to Package Providers:
  • Access a well-known and trusted brand in the community
  • Tap into a range of nutritious meals at minimal costs
  • Gluten Free options
  • More than ‘just a meal’ to support your clients care plan
  • Rated Food Safety standards and procedures (NSW Food Authority)
  • Expert nutritional guidance
  • Reduces impact on package provide service staff
  • Clients also receive regular contact from Meals on Wheels staff and trained Volunteers
  • Another level of support for Package Provider staff and clients
  • Have an advocate for your Services in the local community
  • Package providers will be able to provide more Services to their clients with the same package dollars, therefore making them the provider of choice

We’d be glad to hear from you.

Contact us

2018 © Australian Meals on Wheels Association Inc. ABN: 41 525 636 231